Leadership does not Happen Alone
Leadership doesn’t happen alone. Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.
Wanting a horse is the oldest dream I know, one that I believed was far off in my future.
When I started speaking it aloud over the past few years, most people responded with: “one step at a time, Katie,” “make sure you know how much work they are,” “spend at least a year leasing,” and then, of course, “don’t buy the first horse you look at!”
There was wisdom in these words, but I have never needed support in thinking critically or seeing the glass half empty.
I’ve always searched for more people to help me nurture my dreams and see the glass half full.
People who lead their feedback and friendship from a place of deeper listening, knowing, and trusting - that my dreams are real and essential.
Earlier this summer I found @cristenackley. Not only did she teach me more about horses in one hour than anyone else had in my 36 years of experience around horses, but she listened to me.
She heard that following my dream was more important than questioning it.
She led me to Louie.
Two days prior to buying (actually winning!) Louie, I told three of my new friends in Evergreen about this potential leap of faith.
I regurgitated the words I’d been surrounded by, “I know this is crazy, and everyone says I shouldn’t do it, but….”
One of them immediately jumped in with, “what’s fun about doing the normal thing?”
And there it was.
I have surrounded myself with people who believe in my dreams. (@thedynamicself, @sroatsquared, @jaws923)
And the lesson? Surrounded with these people:
My dreams become my reality.
There is no looming “I told you so.”. There is only, “together we’ll get through.”
I have help weeding through the other voices, especially the hyper-critical one in my own head, so that I can hear my true voice, and follow it.
Surrounded by people who support my dreams.
I take the reins of my life.
Leadership does not happen alone.